Uganda is “Blessed by Nature” with a wide range of rain forests, wildlife sanctuaries, rich cultural history, spectacular national parks, active volcanoes, botanical Photo by Echwalu Photographygardens, snowcapped mountain with their rich flora and fauna gives you abundant and diverse choices making it the perfect country to visit if you are interested in environmental tourism and the unforgettable wildlife experience. Eco-tourism is “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people.” (TIES, 1990)
  • Eco-tourism basically focuses on environmental conservation and sustainable development. Eco-tours help to save forests, cultures and the environment in general. Saving the environment around you and preserving the natural luxuries and forest life, that’s what eco-tourism is all about. Whether it’s about a nature camp or organizing trekking trips towards the unspoilt and inaccessible regions, one should always keep in mind not to create any mishap or disturbance in the life cycle of nature.

For nature loving travel and recreation, we welcome you to the Pearl of Africa. Eco-tourism here focuses on local cultures, wilderness adventures, volunteering, personal growth and learning new ways to live on our vulnerable planet. It is travel to destinations where the flora, fauna, and cultural heritage are the primary attractions like our well conserved national parks, forests and mountains.

Eco-tourist places in Uganda
Eco-tourism sites in Uganda are endowed with an abundance of wildlife and ever green vegetation. The attractions is the apes, birds, butterflies, green vegetation, reptiles, flowers and wild animals like elephants, baboons, warthogs, chimpanzees, bush backs, monkeys, bush pigs, buffaloes, mountain gorillas and cool natural fresh air and many more….

  •  Mabira Central Forest Reserve
  • Budongo Central Forest Reserve
  • Bwindi Impenetrable forest
  • Lutoboka, Kampala and Bunjazi Central Forest Reserves
  • Kalinzu Central Forest Reserve
  • Mpanga Central Forest Reserve
  • Busingiro Eco-tourism site
  • Bugoma Eco-tourism site
  • Kaniyo – Pabidi- Ecotourism site
  • Kasyoha- Kitomi Forest Reserve
  • Rwenzori mountains
  • Kibale National Park
  • Zika Forest
  • Uganda Wildlife Education Center
  • Botanical Gardens Entebbe
  • Sezibwa Falls
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